World Comics India has initiated many campaigns in different part of India by using Grassroots Comics. The Grassroots Comics are different from the mainstream Comics and other campaign comics as these are always drawn by the people themselves. Since the community themselves get involved in drawing such comics, the ownership on the content is theirs.
The girl child campaign in Western Rajasthan is one example where villagers drew hundreds of comics on infanticide and feticide issue. A huge campaign around these comics was developed later on Right to Girl Child issue in this desert region.

WCI along with GNK would organize a series of Comics workshops in the region and build an environment of punishment free society towards children. Children themselves would lead the campaign and involve parents, teachers, schools, media and local bodies for the implementation. Also it would help to create an environment of positive discipline.
After having carried out a study on Corporal Punishment in May,2006, Plan India published the findings in the “Impact of Corporal Punishment on School Children”. These findings were shared with communities and children from mid 2006 to early 2007.
Alongside, Comics workshops to validate children’s perceptions were held in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Delhi between October-November. These workshops resulted in a 30 page book, “Spare the rod—it won’t spoil the child” compiled by WCI and Plan India using the four panel comics generated from the workshops.
After having carried out a study on Corporal Punishment in May,2006, Plan India published the findings in the “Impact of Corporal Punishment on School Children”. These findings were shared with communities and children from mid 2006 to early 2007.
Alongside, Comics workshops to validate children’s perceptions were held in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Delhi between October-November. These workshops resulted in a 30 page book, “Spare the rod—it won’t spoil the child” compiled by WCI and Plan India using the four panel comics generated from the workshops.
The book shows children being beaten or getting their ears pulled to highlight the high prevalence of corporal punishment in schools and homes. Also another book of all such comics was published.
The campaign is conceived and designed by cartoonist Sharad Sharma. He is also founder of World Comics India.
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